We offer discounted pricing for
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) as well as those living with disabling chronic conditions or terminal illness.
We invite you to use these sliding scale discounts as most suitable for you.
Discount10 (10% off)
Discount20 (20% off)
Discount30 (30% off)
Use code at the Checkout Page
We acknowledge our products use herbs grown on the stolen land of the Ojibwe, Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Wyandot as well as other herbs obtained nationally on Turtle Island.
Our plant-based botanicals are meant to offer healing with as few barriers as possible, particularly for those who have been overlooked due to oppressive systemic racism and marginalization.
Free Product is available to Indigenous People. Please limit offers to 1 item per month. Submit your request through this form >>>
We welcome dialogue with our customers, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.